Intuitive Paintings
the first five years
2009 - 2013
In 2001, I moved from Ontario to British Columbia to continue my work in the natural health industry.
In 2009, still living and working on the west coast, I discovered a new passion - INTUITIVE PAINTING!
From 2009 - 2013, I created over 100 mixed media pieces (while working full time).
These first 5 years of art-making gave me a deep appreciation for the magical process of intuitive painting, and the transformative power of creative expression.
These 100 original paintings are no longer available. They are either sold, gifted, or reincarnated.

This was my first painting. It all began after a hard day at work...

Inspired by the movie 'Seraphine'.

Unbeknownst to me, my sister was working on a similar piece, with a similar name, at the same time!

Aug 2009 acrylic on canvas 20 x 20 in (For mom, who wanted me to paint 'pretty flowers')

Oct 2009 acrylic on loose canvas 12 x 16 in

Nov 2009 acrylic on canvas 8 x 8 in

Nov 2009 acrylic on canvas 8 x 8 in

Nov 2009 acrylic, marker on canvas 8 x 8 in

Feb 2010 acrylic on paper (Paint Dancing - permission granted for album cover)

Created during a Paint Dance event - acrylic on paper - (original stolen from my car Nov 2012)

March 2010 acrylic on paper I realized in 2012 that 'I See You' was the way the Na'vi greeted each other in the movie, Avatar. This image was created at a Paint Dancing event a couple months after the film was released. I wasn't conscious of the connection until later.

March 2010 acrylic on paper 22 x 30 (class with Anita Nairne)

Nov 2010 mixed media on canvas 20 x 16 A birthday gift for my friend, Donna, who is featured in the painting.

Nov 2010 mixed media on canvas 16 x 12 I felt this image of a veil being lifted from her eyes was autobiographical because of my newly discovered creative vision.

Nov 2010 mixed media on canvas 12 x 12 Project from 'Creative Paint Workshop' by Ann Baldwin.

Autumn 2010 mixed media on canvas 20 x 20

Autumn 2010 mixed media on canvas 8 x 8 inch

Nov 2010 mixed media on canvas 8 x 8 inch

Nov 2010 mixed media on canvas 8 x 8 inch

Spring 2011 mixed media on canvas 20 x 20 inch Leonard Cohen's lyrics - "Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering, there's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in"

Spring 2011 mixed media on canvas 30 x 24 Written contributions by Facebook friends. See 'Collaborations' page.

April 2011 mixed media on canvas 20 x 16

April 2011 mixed media on canvas 20 x 20 inch This was inspired by a dream, and then a conversation with a friend, Janice, about how Redwoods join their roots for extra support.

(The Sweetness of Doing Nothing) Spring 2011 mixed media on canvas 20 x 16 Inspired by Elizabeth Gibert's book, 'Eat, Pray, Love'

Summer 2011 acrylic and pastel on paper 22 x 30 A psychic told me I'd be living in Australia in a few years. A few months later, when I finished this piece, a friend said, "oh, it's all about Australia". It never occurred to me while I was painting it.

June 2011 acrylic and pastel on canvas 24 x 24 inch Poem on my 'Painted Poetry' page.

and whisper words that conjure up images of Monsters and Angels to shake off the dust of illusion Poem - Autumn 2010 Painting - Summer 2011 24 x 12 in

Summer 2011 acrylic and pastel on paper 22 x 30 Painted while living on a horse farm.

Summer 2011 mixed media on canvas 24 x 24 inch This painting was done mostly in the dark during my phase of outdoor night painting. I dripped a scented candle on it, but the perfume was so strong that I had to scrape it off. A hint of lemongrass and clary sage remains.

Summer 2011 mixed media on canvas 60 x 48 inch

August 2011 acrylic on canvas 20 x 16 Painted just before meeting a date who looked just like this!

Sep 2011 acrylic and pastel on canvas 36 x 24 Some facial features of this character have been developed, but other than that the image is pretty much the result of an abstract painting.

Sep 2011 acrylic and wax on canvas 24 x 18

Sep 2011 mixed media on canvas 24 x 18

Sep 2011 mixed media on canvas 30 x 24

Sep 2011 acrylic on canvas 48 x 48 inch

Autumn 2011 acrylic and pastel on canvas 24 x 20 inch

Oct 2011 acrylic on canvas 48 x 36

Autumn 2011 acrylic and wax on canvas 24 x 20 inch Inspired by a bruised heart and Adele's song by the same name.

Autumn 2011 acrylic and pastel on canvas 18 x 24 inch

Nov 2011 acrylic, collage on canvas 8 x 8

Nov 2011 acrylic and pastel on canvas 8 x 8 inch

Nov 2011 acrylic on canvas 8 x 8 inch

2011 acrylic and pastel on canvas 8 x 8 inch

Nov 2011 mixed media on canvas 8 x 8 inch

Nov 2011 mixed media on canvas 24 x 12 inch Accompanies poem on 'Painted Poetry' page - 'Images of Yesterday'

Christmas Day 2011 acrylic, pastel, wax on canvas 24 x 30

New Year's Eve 2011 acrylic on canvas 30 x 24

Jan 2012 mixed media on canvas 30 x 24

Feb 2012 mixed media on canvas 24 x 20 inch

Feb 2012 acrylic and pastel on canvas 20 x 20 inch I was perplexed by the strange symbol in the woman's head. My friend Janice said it looked like the symbol for radioactivity. Sure enough, the symbol is similar to the one for radio waves and apparently naturally occurring radio waves are made by lightning. Rather strange since I added the zig-zag lightning bolt image at the end, almost as an afterthought.

Mar 2012 acrylic and wax on canvas 36 x 24 Poem on 'Painted Poetry' page.

Mar 2012 acrylic on canvas 36 x 24 inch

Mar 2012 acrylic and pastels on canvas 24 x 20

Apr 2012 collage on canvas 12 x 12 This is a fig-mint of your imagination. Mint photo courtesy of Donna Galbraith.

Apr 2012 acrylic on canvas 24 x 18

Apr 2012 mixed media on canvas 24 x 30

Apr 2012 mixed media on canvas 24 x 20 inch

May 2012 acrylic, wax, watercolour on canvas 30 x 24 inch Painted while listening to 'Heathaze' by Genesis. Especially inspired by these lyrics: "The trees and I are shaken by the same wind, but whereas the trees will lose their withered leaves, I just can't seem to let them loose."

May 2012 acrylic on canvas 24 x 20 Poem on 'Painted Poetry' page.
2014 - 2015
In 2014, life led me back to Ontario. Intuitive painting and other creative pursuits provided joy, insight and purpose during this transition.

May 2014 acrylic on canvas 36 x 24 in

Jul 2014 acrylic on canvas 30 x 15 in Donated to Whispering Hearts Horse Rescue. Haldimand ON

Aug 2014 acrylic on canvas (with quartz crystal and copper wire) 24 x 18 in

Aug 2014 acrylic on canvas (with ribbon) 24 x 30 in

Aug 2014 acrylic on canvas 30 x 24 in

Protect me. If not for me, for thee. You see, I be OXYGEN for all (wo)men. Sep 2014 acrylic and mixed media on canvas 10 x 20 in

Sep 2014 acrylic, collage, gold leaf on canvas 10 x 10 in

Dec 2014 dry pigment, pastel, ribbon on canvas 20 x 16 in (mana prima technique)

Dec 2014 acrylic on canvas 24 x 18 in

Feb 2015 acrylic and collage on canvas 30 x 24 in

Feb 2015 acrylic and collage on canvas 20 x 20 in Donated to The Minga, Dunnville ON

Mar 2015 acrylic, collage, pencil on canvas 10 x 10 in

Mar 2015 acrylic and collage on canvas 20 x 10 in Poem on 'Painted Poetry' page.

Mar 2015 acrylic and collage on canvas 8 x 8 in

Mar 2015 acrylic and pencil on canvas 30 x 24 in Poem on 'Painted Poetry' page.

May 2015 acrylic on canvas 36 x 24 in

May 2015 acrylic on canvas 36 x 24 in Find the faces keep your score then turn it around and find some more!

(Peace Love Joy) May 2015 acrylic on canvas 36 x 24 in

May 2015 acrylic on canvas w/leather pouch 30 x 15 in (touched up Jan 2018)

Jun 2015 acrylic on canvas 30 x 15 in

Jun 2015 acrylic and pencil on canvas 30 x 15 in

Jun 2015 acrylic on canvas 30 x 15 in

Jun 2015 acrylic and pencil on canvas 30 x 15 in

Jun 2015 mixed media on canvas 24 x 12 in Poem on 'Painted Poetry' page.

Sep 2015 acrylic and pastel on canvas 36 x 24 in

(as it should be) Oct 2015 acrylic on canvas 30 x 15 in

Nov 2015 acrylic on canvas 20 x 20 in