As a child, growing up without television, I was endlessly curious and imaginative. I loved to colour and draw, and my sister and I made living rooms, school rooms, and a general store out of the playhouse that dad built us. We lived on a farm and I had a hundred acres of land where I could roam and play.
By the time I was 20 my inquisitive nature, physical injuries and grief for lost loved ones, had fuelled my interest in health, human potential, and spirituality. I was on a quest for knowledge of the body, mind, and spirit and although I had a diverse work history, my heart always remained in the holistic health field. I became certified in several healing modalities. I taught and practiced reflexology and incorporated reiki into my life and career. For many years I worked as a manager and wellness consultant in the health food and supplement industry, in both Ontario and British Columbia.
Then, in 2008, my dad suddenly became very ill. I spent a couple of weeks with him, feeling very distressed as I watched his health quickly deteriorate. His death was a profoundly life-changing experience for me. Distraught about my inability to help him, I knew there was something more than just potions and pills to cure our ills.
The following year I was surprised to find that my passion for the natural health field seemed to metamorphose into a strong desire to immerse myself in art and creativity. I also found joy and therapy in expressive dance and learned that we can use our voice as a sound healing tool.
"Over and over again I discover and rediscover how it is the unlikely
and difficult aspects of a person's life that fuels creation."
~ Shaun McNiff, Art as Medicine
I discovered that art is a powerful path to move through grief. I realized the uplifting, meditative and healing benefits of creative expression and how it can offer remedies like purpose, insight and inspiration.
As my work has evolved, I have also discovered that art is a spiritual practice, and creativity is part of our very nature.
Intuitive painting, poetry-writing and Nature Spirit photography have brought me back to playfulness, mindfulness and a communion with Nature. I believe that these sacred activities can connect us to our heart and re-connect us to the essence of who we really are.
The mystical feeling of being guided through the creation process and watching a story unfold in the paint has the ability to restore our belief in magic, and remind us of the mysterious force that guides our lives. Through my art I want to promote joy, provide some food for thought, and be part of an awakening to the knowledge that we are spiritual beings, with unlimited human potential.
The Playhouse